Can cars drive us?

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Everything around us is getting automated. Whether it's our home or car. In the past few years, autonomous driving has gone from "maybe possible" to "definitely possible."

A study says in 2020, you will be a permanent backseat driver, “10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020”Business Insider headline from 2016.

However, the prediction does not seem to be right. But we have achieved a lot. During this course of time, self-driving has been tried and tested by companies like Tesla.

Let us just understand, "What self-driving vehicles mean? What are the types of automated cars?"

Self-driving cars

Wikipedia says a self-driving car is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and moving safely with little or no human input. They combine a variety of sensors to analyze their surroundings, such as radar. 

Self-driving has a bunch of levels. Cars are classified based on the automation they possess. Some vehicles are fully automated, while some partially. Let us dive deep into the levels of automation in a car.

Levels of Automation

There are six levels of self or automated driving. We will have a closer look at each level of automated driving.

Level 0

Photo by Ratnesh Rai on Unsplash

A Level 0 car does not possess any self-driving capabilities. A human does all the work, all the time. Those who were born in the 1980s will get the feel of these types of cars. Until now, most vehicles on the road are still level 0.

Eg. Hindustan Motors Ambassador

Level 1

The vehicle can assist with either steering or braking, but not simultaneously. An example of this could be Adaptive Cruise controls.

Level 2

The car can assist you now on both braking and steering. But, it still requires full-time attention from a driver to take it over.

Level 3

On level 3, you can take your eyes off the road while driving. Still, a driver is required to take over driving at a moment that presents some difficulties. Unlike level 1 and level 2, full driver attention is not needed.

Level 4

Level 4 cars can do all driving by themselves, but it needs you only in certain conditions. Although you won't have to worry when all the conditions are right. But if it's raining or snowing, then the car might need you.

Level 5

Full automation is still a dream goal for us. The technology that makes us a sole passenger of the car is not out yet. The level 5 car is which drives you rather than you driving it. The earliest car of level 5 is on roads, but it carries only groceries.

How does all these automation work in a vehicle?

Photo by Maksim Tarasov on Unsplash

Now, you know what self-driving is? What are its different levels? But how all these automation work?

A self-driven car relies upon several sensors, complex algorithms, machine learning systems, and powerful processors to execute the software. These cars have several cameras to create and maintain a map of their surrounding environment. Many radar sensors detect the vehicles moving around.

Embedded video cameras detect traffic lights, check road signboards, maintain proper distance with vehicles and also, take a look at the pedestrians passing by. Another sensor, namely light detection and ranging(LiDaR), is used to detect road edges and identify lane markings. Several ultrasonic sensors in the wheels detect the curbs and other vehicles while parking the car.

Its sophisticated designed software detects all the sensory inputs and gives instructions to the car’s actuators, steering, and braking system.

Isn’t it fascinating?

How self-driving impacts the environment?

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

“If you recognize that self-driving cars are going to prevent accidents, AI will help to reduce one of the leading causes of death in the world.” — Mark Zuckerberg

Self-driving makes our lives easy. We do not have to worry about the tedious task of driving. But what about our environment? Will our environment accept the changes positively? Let us find out.

Environmental impacts are a serious concern. These cars can increase the total number of miles driven each year. Another matter is the fuel used in these cars; if these cars get powered by gasoline, then pollution levels may rise. But if they are powered by electricity, the emission may decrease significantly.

These are some benefits of Self Driving Cars.

● Self-driving reduces traffic congestion. A study says 30% of traffic will vanish.

● It cuts transportation costs like fuel, infrastructure, etc.

● It frees up parking lots for other purposes like schools, community.

● CO2 emission will be reduced by 80% worldwide


In a nutshell, self-driving is a work in progress. Several companies like Tesla, Cruise, Ford, Google are trying to create a technology that is very, very safe. We have seen all the aspects of self-driving, but the actual dimension is the impact. The impact that self-driving will make to our life will be known only after experiencing the technology. I am ready to experience the age of automated driving. Are you?
